Perhaps it can't handle Japanese characters in the Windows account name properly.
what character sets Java and/or the installer software can handle properly), but my guess is that it's likely to be the issue in this case, since I understand you're from Japan. I'm not sure exactly what counts as an 'unusual' character (i.e. I fond this this page on the Internet (for another application that uses the same installer-authoring software that we do for Hauptwerk), which suggests that the error can arise if the Windows username and/or Windows temporary folder (which might be within the Windows account's home folder, and thus be dependent on the Windows username anyway) contain 'unusual' characters: 1024x768 should definitely be sufficient.)Īs background: the installer-authoring application that we use for Hauptwerk's installer uses Java, and during installation the installer will save temporary files and shortcuts relative to where the Windows temporary folder and Windows user account's home folder/desktop reside on the hard-drive. (I'm not sure what the absolute minimum screen resolution the installer can handle is, but I expect it can manage 800圆00, so I doubt that's the problem.
A Pentium 4 running 32-bit XP SP3 should be ok in theory.